JIAN's Name
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How a girl's name can determine what her career will be
How a girl's name can determine what her career will be
by PETER STEBBINGS (www.dailymail.co.uk) 4/3/2007
The femininity of girls names can affect their career choices.
The femininity of girls names can affect their career choices.
As every new parent knows, choosing a name for their child is a huge responsibility.
But research has revealed that this decision could have far greater consequences than simply exposing youngsters to years of playground ribbing.
Scientists have discovered that the 'femininity' of the names given to daughters could decide what career she does in future life and heavily influence what sort of person she eventually becomes.
They have shown that those christened 'Isabella' or 'Anna' are not likely to study science because their 'more feminine' first names means they are not encouraged to do so.
David Figlio, professor of economics at the University of Florida, compiled the study and listed which names are perceived to be more feminine than others. He said these preconceptions could have huge implications for later life.
Professor Figlio's ratings for femininity are based on 1,700 letter and sound combinations which are associated as either male or female. He explained: "There are plenty of exceptions, but on average people treat Isabellas differently to Alexes. Girls with feminine names were often typecast."
Professor Figlio analysed 55,000 children, and says that those with 'low-status' names - often unusual names - did marginally worse in exams. One reason given was that teachers' expectations of those children was lower, either consciously or sub-consciously.
He also has a stark warning for parents tempted to name their children after supposedly 'downmarket' celebrities such as glamour model Jordan.
Another bad idea, he says, is to adopt the David and Victoria Beckham method - they named their first child Brooklyn claiming that was the area in New York where he was conceived.
"If you want to give your child a name that connotes low status, then you need to be aware of the consequences," Prof Figlio said.
"In ways we are only beginning to understand, children with different names but the exact same upbringing grow up to have remarkably different life outcomes." He said that research had shown that anyone christened with a name spelt in an unusual way performed worse than a sibling with a more traditional moniker. The research throws up some surprising conclusions.
Olivia - the most popular girls' name in England and Wales for newborns - only comes in eighth in the list of most feminine names.
Among those considered less feminine are Grace, Abigail and Alex.
Edyta Ballantyne, a teacher in a North London primary school, admitted teachers often cast an eye over class lists before meeting their new charges and admitted it was hard not to make prior judgements based on their names.
She said: "I think most people get an image in their head when they hear a name. If you treat a child differently because of their name, then they will behave differently. That is why the issue for every teacher is to look beyond their name."
Professor Figlio's study is to be published in the Journal of Human Resources.
Popular names and their femininity rating
Isabella 1.21 (the most feminine) Anna 1.04 Elizabeth 1.02 Emma 0.97 Jessica 0.93 Samantha 0.83 Sarah 0.78 Olivia 0.74 Hannah 0.70 Emily 0.68 Lauren 0.66 Ashley 0.63 Grace 0.50 Abigail 0.48 Alex 0.28
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